03 Mar What will New Jobs in HR Look Like?
What do the new generations (the Millennials and Gen Z) want from a workplace?
Gen Z (those born after 1997) wish for to work for organizations that can offer them better work-life harmony, with flexible hours, remote work, and frequent conversations with their managers. With many of them likely being fresh out of university, they also desire workplaces that invest in their learning and development, being aware that the business landscape is constantly changing, requiring them to constantly upgrade their skills.
What of the generation before Gen Z, the Millennials?
Their concerns are largely similar.
PWC’s global study of millennials states that millennials’s priorities in an ideal workplace are, at first place: opportunities for personal learning and development, followed by flexible working hours. At third place, are monetary bonuses. In addition to those, millennials are looking for a good work-life balance, and expect to keep learning and developing in their workplaces.
To accomodate these wishes, HR will not only have to evolve and adapt, but possibly create new roles. Some of these roles are explored in Cognizant and Future Workplace’s white paper on 21 Future Jobs in HR. How can the roles brainstormed and explored by Cognizant and Future Workplace help solve today’s generation of new workers’ issues?
HR roles that will arise are ones focused on well-being as a way to increase employee retention, i.e. Director of Well-being who strategizes well-being services and practices offered by an organization to nurture employee health and well-being. This is in line with studies on millennials and Gen Z employees, and how they seek workplaces that provide well-being related benefits to their employees.
Another role that is likely to appear in the future is the role of a Work from Home Facilitator, a person to organize a company’s processes and policies for remote working, and to ensure that they have the conditions to ensure optimal productivity, such as providing supporting technology.
Due to how much the newest generations of employees prioritize the meaning, learning, and development behind work, a role specializing in mapping out the skills a workforce must develop is needed. This role would focus on the reskilling and upskilling efforts in an organization for their current employees.
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