corporate culture Tag

The OKR system, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, is a goal-setting system made popular by John Doerr, a venture capitalist that implemented such systems with great success into many Silicon Valley tech companies.OKRs are the representation of a company's choice of how they...

With the workforce consisting of more millennials these days, and with Generation Z entering the workforce, it’s clear that we need to change workplace culture in order to fit in the goals, values, and motivations of the youngest generation of workers.Let’s look past the stereotype...

These days, people often get mixed up between culture, values, engagement, and code of conduct.That is what our Co-Founder and CEO, Ripy Mangkoesoebroto, an expert in the field of culture transformation sought to differentiate in the minds of the audience at Bizcom ID. Values are very...

The perfect balance of wellbeing and productivity, happiness has increasingly become a priority amongst this generation of millennials, the most recent entrants into the workplace, in addition to a friendly work environment, high income, career development, and fulfillment. Many in Indonesia still enter the workforce and...

Diversity is the buzzword for this year, and its identity as a buzzword unfortunately makes its implementation somewhat shallow in particular workplaces.Why should leaders champion inclusivity? Nobody is perfect, and through working together, everyone’s cumulative difference in experiences, backgrounds, views, and values, can complete and...

Diversity may be a key pull factor in the process of attracting new recruits, for diversity is linked to the type of company culture that Generation Z and Millennial workers seek. Having a diverse group of people within your company will also push the existing...