Flex Work as Future Work

Flex Work as Future Work

Flexible Hours at Work

The generation that constitutes most of the incoming workforce grew up with a life of flexibility and independence, and it is time for workplaces to begin restructuring to accommodate for this workforce by implementing flexible hours into their workplace culture to allow for their employees to work remotely.


Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce in countries all around the world, and they are increasingly seeking workplaces that offer flexible work hour options because of their belief that ‘hours spent at an office’ does not necessarily equate to optimal productivity. The options for flexible working include telecommuting, having a flexible schedule that doesn’t necessarily fall in the 9 – 5 time slot, or freelance work, where the work is based on completing projects and meeting targets without being constrained to a rigid work schedule or having to meet a quota of hours-worked-per-week.

Noteworthy companies such as Google and 3M have included a policy where employees are given time during the week where they’re free to work on various side projects, a rule called ’20% Time’
This rule led to the creation of Gmail and Google Maps, amongst others.

In the high speed and often stress-inducing corporate world, flexible hours could bring about a world of blessings for employees because:
1. It allows for a better work-life balance, leading to a reduction of burnout, and gives female employees with children to balance time for work and for family
2. It allows for workers to avoid the hours of productivity lost because of a lengthy commute

Companies should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of potentially implementing flexible hours as an option for their workers, and also consider whether the work their employee does is something that can be done remotely. Employers must also ensure that their workplace is ready to accommodate remote workers, through implementing structures to connect remote workers with on-site workers, and holding virtual meetings for constant feedback and evaluation, and making sure all their work targets are being met.

Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom has found that working remotely does increase productivity and employee satisfaction, which benefits not just the workers, but also the employers. Being a company with the mindset of implementing flexible work hours shows to the world that your corporation is one that prioritizes innovation, productivity, and employee satisfaction, and that your culture incorporates a mindset of not being constrained to antiquated conventions, and will make the changes needed to stay at the forefront of productivity. Creating this culture has of prioritizing productivity over rigid and antiquated work schedules, will attract a greater pool of potential hires, who’ll be attracted to this culture that nurtures and allows them to exercise their creativity.

3V hopes to assist our partners in order to create a culture of fairness as well as productivity, through creating a workplace environment that potential hires will actively desire to be in, and for employees to actively seek to improve in.



Image by Persnickety Prints on Unsplash




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