Engaging Millennial Values to Improve Your Whole Organization

Engaging Millennial Values to Improve Your Whole Organization

Is maintaining workers’ wellbeing important? Employers are still investing in well-being programs, for the fact that it does have a significant effect on workers. Prioritizing well-being in your organization and having it be an encouraged behavior in your work culture can improve the lives of your people by infusing the workplace with greater positivity, energy, and commitment, which that will provide greater returns to your organization.

Well-being encompasses much more than the physical health of your employees and complements productivity because initiatives to improve both and not just the latter result in an improvement in both output and health. Well-being involves an individual employee’s happiness and the components of that happiness: feeling good and healthy, and working safely and productively, as well as feeling that you as a person are valued and that your work is making an impact.

Additionally, organizations can’t afford to be putting off addressing underlying causes for burn out, the related retention issues, and lack of engagement due to its serious detrimental effects on an organization’s productivity. The remedy to all three is to create a culture of well-being. Walking the Talk defines culture as ‘the patterns of behavior encouraged, discouraged, or tolerated over time,’ that is mainly determined by the behavior of leaders, and when transforming a culture to become one that prioritizes people and their wellbeing, it is important to not just change behaviors, but to transform mindsets into ones set for a transformation to put people first.

To know how to put their people first, employers and others in top management need to engage their people on all levels of the organization, and since all organizations are unique, employers need to work together with their employees to build a framework well-being culture that will work best for the organization.

With a large portion of Indonesia’s workforce consisting of millennials, it is important for leaders in the current business landscape to engage with the youngest generation of workers, as the number of youth in the workforce is steadily increasing. Across all generations, workers desire a workplace where they feel valued and have the opportunity to keep learning and growing. However, younger generations tend to prioritize well-being, by looking for an organization that encourages work-life balance, much more than older generations, and their pursuit of well-being is pushing the rest of the organization to prioritize well-being as well. Millennials have helped to advance the concept of an “ideal” work environment, and have pushed companies to evolve.

Oftentimes, they seek to know what a company’s values are and whether or not they’re in line with their values,” Instead of viewing them as overly idealistic or entitled, it is crucial for leaders to view them as genuinely seek a better world which is why a lot of us care about the environment

Millennials appreciate companies that allow flexibility, which is a sign that the company respects their work-life balance. Taking these practices and implementing them across all levels of your organization will benefit more than just the millennials who petition them, as stress and burnout have been proven to be lower in workers engaged in some form of work schedule flexibility. This flexibility is possible because they utilize technology and digitization as digital natives to make the most of their work day.

This digitization of the workplace not only makes the workplace more of a home for these digital natives but also fulfills their other desire in a workplace, that of a culture of sustainability. a way to reduce your carbon footprint as well as save money is, instead of printing out tons of easily misplaced paper reports, to utilize technology and spread project materials digitally, making it easier for your people to save and store content.

Why engage with the youngest generation of workers though? When you have a people first culture, the returns to your investment in your peoples’ well-being will have incredible returns. The same applies to the millennials. Millennials are more likely to be in tune with the latest trends, and when you ensure their wellbeing and engage with them, their loyalty and commitment is likely to increase, and when combined with the experience of the higher ups to channel this energy into productivity, and to make sure your company is the vanguard of your field.

By displaying the above traits, leaders show to their workers what is needed to create a better future, and will hopefully give rise to a future generation of workers who’ll take the higher road of pursuing sustainability, hand-in-hand with productivity.




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