Corporate Culture Initiation Program

Ideally, the success of any change initiatives will require a holistic and integrated approach encompassing alignment at the top management level, determining the right corporate culture archetype, values and behaviors, down to the specific action plan to communicate and reinforce the right behaviours.

We understand that different corporations are at different journey in term of building their corporate culture. 3V is able to provide different types of interventions for each different stages of the culture immersion process.

Executive Workshop on Leadership Alignment

Most often the top management team is the most complex team to align. Top management team effectiveness is critical for a company no matter whether they are going through changes or not. How they function as a team will determine how the company will function.

3V will be able to assist on facilitating the top management on how they can function more effectively as a leadership team. Within a 1 – 2 days workshop, we can conduct the following sessions:

  1. Building leaders by being leaders
  2. Know your colleagues
  3. Feedback to Feed Forward

Business and Culture Alignment Workshop

Prior to the launch of any corporate culture initiatives, it is important that the top leadership team is clear on what they need to focus and deliver in terms of business. Our team will conduct a workshop for top management to:

  1. Determine top business imperative
  2. Agree on the right cultural archetype for the company
  3. Decides and commit to corporate culture initiative


Beyond the executive level workshops, 3V will also be able to assist in terms of conducting the following Culture Implementation Audit:

  1. Culture Survey
  2. Document Analysis
  3. Stakeholder Interview

Engage Your Environment  (EyE program)

This 2 – 3 phases customized program is designed to get the company leaders, mostly from top management to middle management, to:

  1. Experience and empathize what their customer and key stakeholders are experiencing.
  2. Get a sense of the actual day to day challenges in the market as experienced by the front-liners
  3. Find opportunities on the ground and eventually spark the need to change.

Not only does it provide a wake-up call, this program will also create opportunities to find ideas of change. Once initiatives are born from the stakeholders, ownership will drive the journey itself.