Creating a Culture of Constant Learning

Creating a Culture of Constant Learning

Create a Culture of Constant Learning

Efforts within the corporate world are shifting towards creating a culture of constant learning within the company. We’re currently undergoing the 4th Industrial Revolution, where technology is continuously adapting, so why shouldn’t our employees? Corporations are being pushed to innovate more than ever, and at the core of that innovation is our employees. So why not invest in the capital to make our engines more efficient than ever?
To best support your transition to a constant-learning culture, according to Forbes, some things to consider are:
1. Determining what learning options and skills are appropriate for your company’s culture – i.e formal vs. self-directed learning, i.e instructing managers to improve on soft skills such as giving presentations, or specific skill sets. Either way, make sure that these skills are relevant to the work your company does.
2. Changing the way your company refers to this learning in order to make it employee-centric: calling it ‘learning’ carries an implicit definition of self-improvement for the employee, making them more excited and open to learning. Calling it ‘training’ may cause your people to view it as tedious and something required.
3. Constant evaluation and feedback – Continuous learning requires continuous evaluation to make sure your program is effective in increasing innovation and productivity, i.e using surveys to employees on how they feel about the learning, with an emphasis on seeing results.
Instilling a culture of constant learning will encourage our people to see it as self-improvement, career enhancement, and view learning through a positive lens, which is conducive to the employee taking initiative and self-motivating through the learning process. This continuous learning is beneficial to not just the employees, who, through the constant learning will find that their careers stay interesting and dynamic, but will also make them feel like valued assets that the company keeps investing in, which will create a culture of employee appreciation that creates a name for the company and attract more talent, as well as the giving you the satisfaction of being a leader that walks into work seeing motivated, satisfied, and engaged employees, all because of your investment in their learning.


image by Alexis Brown on unsplash

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