Maintaining employee engagement when work is mostly done remotely is important. However, initiatives to engage with employees should not be one-size-fits-all, and rather, should be tailored to each individual employee, with the aim of making sure that each employee feels that they and the work...

Entering a New Normal means resuming productive activities while remaining cautious and aware to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To transition into a New Normal smoothly, we've compiled tips to remind everyone to stay safe and healthy during these times.Prevent spread by:Wearing a mask (any...

What happens to innovative companies when disruption works against us instead of with us? How should companies respond in a crisis? In the tight networks of today’s extremely connected world, events occurring on one side of the world can easily have repercussions on businesses on...

Chances are, the nearest newspaper to you will have a story centered around the spread of COVID-19, making it of vital importance that we make our discussion this month focus on the topic of crisis management, to guide you in mitigating the risks to your...

In this digital era, technological advances such as automation and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are changing the very nature of work. While this has enabled construction businesses to automate and, on numerous occasions, get jobs done faster and more efficiently, it has also increased many...

Today’s fast-paced culture pushes us to work hard, meet deadlines, manage work relationships, and stay connected since all of this is made possible by mobile devices. However, this workload can lead to stress and burnout, which is one reason why employers have now started to...